Sunday, 10 November 2019



#ukteenchat is a chat predominantly focused on writing children’s fiction that falls in that slippery in-between stage from MG to YA. We discuss all things writerly and books we love with a strong focus on the writing craft.

I launched #ukteenchat back on the 16th February 2016 with Joanna Moult and Amber Caraveo of Skylark Literary agency as guests. Since then the chat has gone on to host a wealth of fantastic authors of children’s fiction from young MG through to YA, industry professionals such as literary agents, fiction editors at publishers, organisers of writing competitions such as Bath Novel Award and #WriteMentor, and looking at a variety of themes and different aspects of writing.

I am proud of the wonderful and supportive writing community that is involved with #ukteenchat and I am forever humbled by the generosity and kindness of those involved in this community.

The fabulous guests lined up for the rest of 2019 are…

12th November – Caroline Ambrose, founder of The Bath Novel Award.
19th November – Sue Wallman, author of new book, Dead Popular, look out for our fantastic giveaway for this from Scholastic!
26th November – Marisa Noelle, author of new release, The Unadjusteds.
3rd December – Simon Mason, author of the Hey, Sherlock! Series.
10th December – Christopher Vick, author of Girl. Boy. Sea.
17th December – Mich Kenney, talking about her final book in the Book of Fire series, Storm of Ash.

I am taking bookings for guests for #ukteenchat for 2020 so do reach out if you are interested. I can be found on Twitter at @FinlaysonPalmer 😊

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