Sunday 29 December 2013

Farloft's Rhetoric: James & the Dragon - Audio Book Download

Farloft's Rhetoric: James & the Dragon - Audio Book Download: Here is the audio book version of James & the Dragon, Vol. 1 of The Farloft Chronicles. Volumes 2-5 are available in the Kindle Store ...

Friday 27 December 2013

"There's no place like home."

My daughter was given a pair of red sparkly shoes for Christmas this year, or the ruby slippers as they've now been dubbed. I've always wanted a pair like these since watching the Wizard of Oz as a child, as I'm sure many others do. Aside from red being my favourite colour and  being drawn in like a magpie by their sparkliness, I have always had a fascination with the notion of seemingly inanimate objects possessing a magical quality. If it's not ruby slippers, or a world at the back of wardrobe it's genies in lamps and the ability to control others with a magical ring... One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

I'm off  to explore my house now and see what interesting objects there are that I could imagine imbued with magical properties, and I might just write a story about them :)

And below is my new and very lovely notebook that I shall be filling with such stories and imaginations...

Monday 23 December 2013

My version of O Little Town of Bethlehem

Written for the Wombourne Writers Christmas meeting, here is my rehashing of O Little Town of Bethlehem...

O Christmas Day is Nearly Here

O Christmas day is nearly here,
To shops we rush and buy,
More useless crap and tat we get
To wrap then wonder why.
Those singing socks and underpants
That never will get worn.
Dad’s Santa beard and Christmas cheer
Meet with derisive scorn.

O overcooked huge turkey
Carved up on Christmas day,
With roast veggies and stuffing balls
Soaked in lumpy gravy.
Slump down in front of Christmas shows
As family starts to yell.
Crackers now pulled and jokes are told,
Before Boxing Day sales!

Monday 9 December 2013

Curtis Brown Creative

Piece from today on the Curtis Brown Creative website, quoting none other than little old me :D